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Postnatal Depletion

What is Postnatal Depletion
and do I have it?

Postnatal depletion is a state of ongoing fatigue and overwhelm that can persist well after the typical “fourth trimester,” often lasting years into the  postpartum.

Key physical signs and symptoms include:

✔️ Low energy

✔️ Reduced libido

✔️ Noise sensitivity.

Contributing factors to Postnatal Depletion include social isolation, chronic sleep deprivation, increased stress, overwhelm, and nutrient depletion.

Postnatal Depletion involves neuroinflammation and HPA-axis dysregulation, leading to hormonal imbalances and persistent fatigue.

Associated physical symptoms, which may or may not be present, include digestive issues, hair loss, food sensitivities, and worsening of prenatal inflammatory conditions.

The key cognitive symptom is brain fog, and associated cognitive signs and symptoms include nominal aphasia (difficulty finding words), short term memory challenges and concentration problems.

Key emotional/mental symptoms include:

✔️ Emotional instability

✔️ Hyper-vigilance

✔️ Anxiety

✔️ Self-doubt, and a heightened inner critic.

Although individuals may experience episodes of depression and anxiety, these are not as pervasive and constant as seen in postpartum depression or anxiety disorders.

Instead, there is fluctuating emotional reactivity and occasional feelings of depression or anxiety, rather than a persistent mood disturbance.

If you think you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of Postnatal Depletion, consider exploring Dr Oscar Serrallach's free resources and courses.

Access free resources for Postnatal Depletion

Dr Oscar Serrallach

Dr Oscar Serrallach specialises in maternal health, with a focus on integrative and functional medicine, and postnatal wellbeing.

He coined the term postnatal depletion, and his book The Postnatal Depletion Cure (2018) was the first research to really look at the unique biology and hormones of a woman after giving birth and the toll that pregnancy birth and breastfeeding will place on her, especially if she is already depleted going into pregnancy.

While postpartum depression has become a recognisable condition, this is the first book to treat root causes of mommy brain, baby blues, and other symptoms that leave mothers feeling exhausted.