What if we could enjoy Motherhood, not just endure it?

Are you tired of just enduring Motherhood? Do you want to reclaim your mental health, relationships, and joy as a Mother? Enter your details below to get instant access to this FREE webinar video with Postnatal Depletion Specialist, Dr Oscar Serrallach:

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        In this webinar, Dr Oscar Serrallach reveals the tools and support you need to truly enjoy Motherhood, including:

        1 - The Struggles of Motherhood

        • The challenges faced by Mothers in seeking help and support
        •  The impact of cultural and health system attitudes on Mothers
        • The importance of awareness, planning, and support in Motherhood

        2 - The Set-Up for Struggle

        • Cultural norms and social expectations that hinder Mothers' success
        • The absence of traditional support systems in modern culture
        • Increasing rates of maternal struggle, fatigue, and mental health issues 

        3 - Moving Towards Realistic Support

        • Transitioning from the super mom ideal to the supported mom model
        • The impact of modern living on the Mother-Child bond
        • The importance of postpartum planning for parental preparedness

        4 - Understanding the Nervous System Impairments

        • The complex interplay of epigenetics, environment, hormones, and brain circuitry
        • HPA axis dysfunction and neuroinflammation as nervous system impairments
        • The neuroinflammatory nature of perinatal mood disorders

        5 - Preventing and Recovering from Nervous System Injuries

        • The role of stress in the development and perpetuation of nervous system impairments
        • The need for adequate care, rest, and relaxation in the first year postpartum
        • Vulnerability and the impact of sleep deprivation on Mothers

        6 - The Maternal Toxins

        • The three maternal toxins: sleep deprivation, overwhelm, and judgment
        • Deeply affecting Mothers' recovery, especially in the first year postpartum
        • Strategies for managing and overcoming these toxins

        Meet Dr Oscar Serrallach

        Hi, I'm Dr Oscar - a husband, father, author and functional medicine doctor specialising in postnatal depletion and Women's health.

        You may know my book, The Postnatal Depletion Cure, published by Goop in 2018.

        As a Women's Wellness specialist, I'm particularly focused on supporting Women throughout pregnancy, early Motherhood, postnatal recovery and peri-menopause - especially the neurobiological and physiological changes that occur during these life phases.

        My aim is to help restore Women's health and vitality after having children so that Motherhood becomes an enjoyable experience...rather than a struggle with no end in sight!

        Through years of listening to and supporting Mothers, I've developed frameworks that provide answers to the health complexities often overlooked by conventional medicine.

        My online approach now allows me to reach more Women beyond the clinic setting, and create a supportive online community for Mothers and MotherCare workers.

        Reclaim your wellbeing and truly enjoy the journey of Motherhood!

        Enter your details below to freely access this transformative webinar with Dr Oscar Serrallach - available to watch straight away so you can begin to embrace Motherhood with support and empowerment:

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